Importance of Higher Education in Developing Countries
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Beyond any doubt acim bookstore plays a pivotal role in the development an d progress of any country. In a developing country education gains even more importance.
The per capital income depends upon the state of economy which is directly proportional to the literacy rate in a country. The economy of a country mainly depends upon the able economists who formulate such economic policies which play an effective role in the progress of the country. And the fact remains that the able and competent economists are produced only if a country has a sound system of education. Besides, the failed economic systems will have its negative effects on all the other fields. The health care, industry, agriculture, defence, etc. Would remain weak.
We take up the example of health care first. The hospitals are the ultimate place for the indisposed. If country’s economy is weak, it would be difficult for the government or the private sector to set up more and more hospitals, enough to cater to the health care needs of the nation. And obviously, the physically weak or the ailing nation would not play any role in the development of its mother land. Hence education in a way is directly linked to health care.
Moreover, the health care itself depends upon education in the sense that able and competed doctors could only be produced if the country has evolved and effective and viable education system. A weak education system means incompetent doctors who get degrees in medicine and surgery through back doors. Such doctors would not be able to serve the ailing humanity because of their incompetence.
And, of course, education makes up the conscience and makes one realize that the social evils definitely eat into the vitals of a society. The illiterate or less educated society has the corruption rampant in various forms – bribery, jobbery, nepotism, etc. on the contrary; the educated people realize that the society cannot b reformed unless these social evils are eradicated from the society. And this realization comes only and only with the education.
A developing country needs education all the more to eradicate these evils because it yet to rank among the developed countries. If the society is breeding this evil, it would become extremely difficult to put the country on path to progress.
Lawlessness hinders the process of development as nobody feels secure and education helps over come lawlessness as the educated people realize that it the lawlessness from which most of the evils stem. Lawlessness means the oppressors are free to oppress the already wretched sections of the society who do not know where to go and whom to talk to in order to get justice. In a lawless society, the outlaws are always on the rampage which disturbed the smooth working in all the fields with the result that the process of development comes to us standstill. Education is the panacea which can wash this evil also
The education also makes one realize that a nation can come out of the vicious economic cycle only if hard work is up held. If developing nation had this realization, al the members of the society will work hard to put the country on path to progress which will ultimately take the country out of vicious circle in which almost all the developing countries are struck up.
Industry of a country place a very vital role in the development. More industries mean more progress as more products are produced which not only cater to the needs of the nation itself but can also b exported to earn foreign exchange for the country. Industry, in one way, depends upon the engineers and technicians and capable engineers can be produced only if the country has a good education system and standard. Infrastructure of a country, it is believed, plays a central role in the progress. In this connection roads are very important as the transportation depends upon these. The highways connect cities with on another where as the farm- to-market roads are very important to transport commodities from the farm (where these are produced) to the market (where these are sold). The constructions of the roads depend upon two major factors. The quality of the material used and honesty of the personal engaged in the construction.
Since the education makes one realize that impurity in such material would not bring positive results, the educated lot would certainly avoid doing so and the engineers and other technical staff would also work hard to build the best possible roads using all their expertise.
Electronics and print media also plays a very important role in the development to a country. An honest journalist would not write about which might cause the disintegration of the country or collapse of the system favorable to the nation.