How I Recruit Doctors for Ardyss International
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Recruiting low testosterone clinic near me for Ardyss International is a much sought after opportunity for distributors. Within the last year, dozens of highly respected physicians from across the nation have joined the company. If you are considering recruiting your own doctor for Ardyss International its critical that you know what to say and how to approach them with this opportunity. Ardyss is one of the best health and wellness companies in the industry today. Understanding how the products work and what type of doctors to consider for the products will help you build your business exponentially.
Dr Lee Laney, a Gastroenterologist, is a leading doctor in Ardyss International. He has formed a collaborative group known as the Ardyss Doctors. Among the top physicians are Dr Toni Farmer (ENT), Dr Webb (Oncologist), Dr Cecil Forbes (Chiropractor), and Dr Marisha Agana (Pediatrician), Dr Lawrence Nelson (Chiropractor), and Dr Abudul-Aal (Ob/Gyn). These doctors present weekly webinars on the latest benefits of Ardyss products and provide information about their studies and experiences with patients.
I’ve followed these doctors since their arrival into Ardyss and have attended many of their weekly presentations and have found the information they present to be invaluable. The doctors provide information about how they have used the products and which nutritional supplements they recommend to their patients for ailments.
I have had success recruiting physicians into my organization because I have learned from these doctors. I have in turn received many phone calls and emails from around the country from distributors asking how to recruit doctors for Ardyss. We are all excited about where Ardyss is headed and I wanted to publish this article to help future distributors know what you should do if you decide to approach doctors about the company.