Free Love Spells – Affordable, Yes, But Do They Really Work?
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As you may already know, free voodoo love spells using pictures spells are scattered all over the internet. Some of them are very easy to do, and require very few materials to complete the task. Some spells only require a pen and a paper. Some spells however are a bit complex and require a bit more time to prepare. Some also just use words or chants and a very strong imagination as well as visualization.
Again, you may or may not already know that almost all spells require meditation. It is as if you are willing the magic to life through extreme concentration and quiet meditation.
Yes, free love spells are very interesting to read, but to actually perform it? You might need a lot of will power. People might say that these so called spells have worked for them but it may not work for some people. So instead of doing exactly what these spells tell you to do, try to make the spell more your own. Add in some verses to the chants, add more herbs to the mixtures, light more candles of different colors, or even do it on your own special day. Use the original spell as a reference only. In doing these steps, you make the spells more effective for yourself because it is made by your own personal effort and power.
Also seen everywhere nowadays are free love spells which are tainted with a bit of black magic. Black magic is a type of magic that can hurt or harm others. But how can they mix black magic with an innocent love spell? Well let’s say your love includes anger, pain, and jealousy. Some people can do crazy things because of love or obsession, if their love interest is married; they can use black magic to either get rid of that “other” person temporarily, or even permanently. How scary people can be when they’re in love, right?
So should you always believe in these so called free love spells lying around everywhere? That is actually entirely up to you. Magic and spell casting work in such a way that if you do not believe in your own craft, odds are, the spell that you’ve cast will either not work flawlessly, reverse itself and turn against the spell caster or not work entirely. So remember to always use a binding spell as well in casting any kind of spells. Especially when you are calling upon the help of deities and other spirits, they could either help you or, again, turn against you.
So going back to the free love spells found practically everywhere, use them wisely. Nothing beats the flow of reality and the patience to let things go as they please. These spells can make you evil and obsessed with a person or help you in realizing that a person wasn’t meant for you. Spell casting is for people who have a wide range of imagination, meditating every night while visualizing yourself happy with your loved one. Nothing beats such fantasies.