How to Hard-Wire Your Site to Google
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Until Bing turns into David and slays Goliath, the only search engine game in town is Comprar avaliações Google. While the other search engines can’t be ignored or forgotten, when it comes to online search, Google will deliver the majority of your quality organic traffic. For webmasters and especially for online marketers, having your website virtually hard-wired to Google is a marketing Must-Do.
We are strictly talking about white hat stuff here, if you’re seeking the opposite color, look elsewhere. As a full-time search engine marketer, I have learned a few things over the 10 years or so I have been working on the web. One of the most significant factors running constantly in the background has been Google. And the underlying fact that the more I intertwined my sites and content with Google, the more success I would achieve. There seemed to be a direct correlation between the two, making it a little more than ironic that the original name for Google was BackRub.
But this is not exactly rocket science territory here, Google is the biggest entity on the web, especially if you go the free organic traffic route. There are tons of ways to market online which don’t involve Google at all, but for the purposes of this piece, I will be discussing ways any webmaster or marketer can better connect their site and content with Google. Plus, if it’s not already obvious, also give you some reasons why this is a smart marketing strategy on your part.
The first technique you must perfect is how to get your new content into Google’s Index within minutes, if not seconds. These days with social media sites this can be easily achieved. It may be as fast as your latest Tweet or Google Buzz. Google News is another easy way to instantly get your content into Google. Press releases are another immediate way to connect your content with Google. So too is something as simple as making a video and posting it on YouTube which is Google Owned. (Note – Google has recently revamped the YouTube system and provided many ways webmasters can view the linking data and stats; great source of information for webmasters and marketers.)
Actually Google will index any new site or content fairly quickly these days so you don’t have to worry about it. One method I like best is using a free blog from Blogger/Blogspot (which is also Google owned) and placing links here to be indexed within minutes. To keep track of what content Google is indexing, I usually set up Google Alerts for all my main sites and my main keywords. Whenever a page is indexed in Google related to my sites or keywords, Google sends me an email. Many savvy webmasters use these alerts to find and build link partners since these indexed pages will be thematically related to yours. Using Google Alerts will make it seem like you’re totally welded to Google and Google’s indexing system, every second of the day.
Needless to say, keywords rule the web and Google. You must attach your content to keywords people are using to find stuff on the web and build top 10 rankings for those keywords in the search engines, especially Google. Now if you’re new at this, Google gives you some valuable keyword tools you can use to see how many searches are made each month for a keyword phrase and also gives you some idea of the keyword competition you will be facing. I like using these tools here: google(dot)com/sktool and also labs(dot)google(dot)com/sets. Besides, you must start your Google courtship off on the right foundation.
Next, you must realize Google is not really a search engine but a business. The main goal of this business is to supply quality content to web users so that these users will use Google over and over again, allowing Google to attach ads and make a profit. The key to getting and keeping Google’s attention is fulfilling your part of this “quality equation” with superior content which surfers want and find helpful. Make this your religion and the SEO gods, including Google, will smile kindly upon your site.