All My Love And Devotion: A True Story
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They met at a dance in 1931,All My Love And Devotion: A True Story Articles and six months later, on January 30, 1932, were married. I am speaking of my Nana and Pop, (grandparents), who for sixty years were not just married, but were in love. Really IN 키스방사이트.
I have chronicled their love through some very touching cards, (I found them in a box, tucked away with a lifetime of memories), that were shared between them before and after my father was born. Most are from my Grandfather to my Grandmother. He drove and worked and she was home so his ability to buy cards for her was greater.
Five years into their marriage they had a son.
Their love was as strong as ever…growing stronger with each passing day, month and year as you will see.
I was witness to their special love for thirty years of my life, and for four more after the passing of my “Pop” as I watched my Nana’s heart slowly die of emptiness. She was literally, without her other half. If you believe in soul mates, they were soul mates in the truest sense.
I don’t have every sentiment ever expressed between the two of them, (those are theirs alone), but was lucky enough to find a box of perfectly kept cards, beginning in the year 1932.
1932: A Valentine To My Wife
“I chose this loving Valentine especially for you,
Because it’s meant for Someone Who means more than others do; and it simply says, “I Love You”, but within that little phrase, is a message that will tell you That I’ll care for you Always!”
Signed: To the loveliest girl in the world- And loveliest Valentine Always-
Love and Devotion, Hubby
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1935: To My Darling Sweetheart On Your Christmas Birthday
A Birthday Message To My Wife
“There’s so much that’s dear about you, There’s so much that’s sweet and fine, And so many special reasons- That I’m proud and glad you’re mine — It’s no wonder that I love you so- And specially want to say – That I’m wishing happiness for you- With all my heart today.”
Signed: To the dearest wife in the world. A few Birthdays have gone. I wish from my heart that we will spend a hundred more together. From Hubby
1947: With Love to My Wife on our Anniversary, You’re Very Dear to Me
“I never knew what love could mean- Till the day that I met you- I never knew that life could hold-A happiness so true- And on this day that’s ours alone- From all other days apart- I send my very deepest love- To you, my own Sweetheart”
Signed: This message expresses Everything. With all my Love and Devotion, Al.
1948: Mother’s Day, To the greatest Mother in the World
To My Wife and Sweetheart For Mother’s Day
“Perhaps you think that I don’t know the countless things you do- To make our home the happy home I proudly share with you. But, believe me, Dear, I love you- As a Sweetheart and a Wife, And on Mother’s Day I’m wishing you- The deepest joys in life!”
Signed: With all my Love and Devotion, For the Loveliest Mother and Wife in the World. – Hubby
1932 to 1954: (22 years married)
An Anniversary Greeting for the Dearest Wife in the World
“I cherish our Anniversary, Dear, Much more than you could guess…It stands for the day that brought me YOU And all my happiness! I treasure every memory, Dear, Still more as time goes by, And look to the happy future That we’ll share, Dear, you and I!”
Signed: I just think it’s wonderful. They have been all so lovely. With all my Love and Devotion, To my Sweetheart and Wife. Al.
1954: For My Wonderful Wife On Mother’s Day
“Your love is a precious thing to me, A comfort in times of stress, The reason for all I ever do, My pride- and my happiness…And, Darling, on Mother’s Day this year I feel as I always do: The sweetest gift that a man could know Is a wonderful Wife like you.”
Signed: The greatest of them all. With my Love and Devotion. A million kisses. Hubby