ACIM – Miracles Happen
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I absolutely believe in ACIM, and although many individuals also believe in miracles, there are quite a few doubters out there. Oh, they may believe in a miracle when something huge happens like a driver racing at a high speed in the middle of a race loses control and crashes, but steps right out of the car unharmed, yet they are blinded in seeing everyday miracles and believing they can happen.
So what is the definition of a miracle according to Webster? A miracle is an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes – an act of God. In addition, a miracle is considered something wonderful.
I personally have experienced so many miracles in my life I wouldn’t know where to begin in sharing them. They have come in all sizes: small, big and everything between. It’s sad to me that many people doubt the appearance of miracles so miss the wonderful excitement and joy of experiencing them.
Since miracles are referred to as supernatural events, they would naturally occur when a supernatural being gifts us with one. I believe the angels deliver the miracles. Although any angel can send a miracle our way, the Virtues, one of the groups of angels, is especially adept in showering miracles upon us. Of course all miracles essentially come from God (or a Higher Power), but angels are messengers of God so delight in bringing the miracles from God.
We see lightning strike a tree under which someone is standing, but miraculously the person is unharmed – a miracle we say. A child runs out from behind a parked car and a driver unknowingly drags the child under the car until flagged down by a terrified onlooker. Miraculously, the child has only a few scratches and is basically unharmed – another miracle. One day I was driving back to Atlanta from Chattanooga during rush hour and it was raining in sheets so I couldn’t see much in front of me.
I did notice cars on every side of me being rush hour in the middle of town, and we were moving slowly when suddenly I saw brake lights right in front of me and instinctively slammed on my brakes. Immediately I began hydroplaning and expected to be in a major crash since cars were on all sides of me. Without being explainable, I blinked my eyes in disbelief when I realized my car was straight and I had not hit any car – no crash. I knew without a shadow of a doubt my angels had been watching out for me and for all I know, lifted my car out of the expected crash and put me down where I was, just driving along straight in line with all other cars. There is no earthly explanation for me not hitting any cars… none! That was truly a supernatural experience – a miracle!!!